by Warren Wiersbe
Read Psalm 13:1-6
Have you ever been impatient with God? Impatience is one of my big problems. I always get into the wrong lane on a toll road. Someone's in front of me with foreign currency, trying to buy his way through the tollbooth. I get into the wrong line at the airport, thinking, This line is a good line; it's going to move. But it doesn't because somebody in the line has lost his passport. And I get irritated.
It's one thing for us to be impatient with ourselves or with others. But when we become impatient with God, we should watch out! "How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul?" (vv. 1,2). Four times David asked, "How long?" We're so time conscious today. We have watches that show us split seconds. But what do we do with those split seconds? If we save three minutes by taking a shortcut, what significant thing will we accomplish with the three minutes we save?
We expect God to do what we want Him to do--and right now! But He doesn't always act immediately. Abraham had to wait for 25 years after God's promise before Isaac was born. Isaac had to wait 20 years for his children. Joseph had to wait 13 years before he was set free and put on the throne. Moses had a wait of 80 years. You see, God's schedule is not the same as ours. Sometimes He waits so that He can do more for us than we expect. When He heard that Lazarus was dying, our Lord waited until his friend's death before He came. But when He came, He brought a greater miracle and received greater glory. The hardest thing to do is to wait on the Lord. But we can if we will trust Him and rest on His Word.
Some of your greatest blessings come with patience. When you must wait for God to act, you can be confident that He knows what is best for you and what will best glorify Him. Are you waiting for God to act on your behalf? Align with His timing and rest on the promises of His Word.
DO YOU REALIZE THE ONE YOU ARE WAITING ON IS AMAZING? Listen to Stephen Hurd performing the song Amazing!
Jews, blacks to celebrate King's legacy together
By Nathan Paige
January 14, 2009, 11:06AM
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CLEVELAND — Growing up in culturally diverse Shaker Heights, the Rev. David Owens, a 48-year-old African-American, saw little interaction between blacks and Jews. Color, creed and class differences seemed too great to overcome. World | Nation
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But Owens, now pastor of a nondenominational Christian church, has seen a big change.
His congregation, the Body of Christ Assembly Heights Church, and another black congregation, Abundant Grace Church, worship every Sunday in spaces they have leased for the past few years at Park Synagogue in Cleveland Heights.
And the synagogue for the first time has invited both Christian flocks to join its Sabbath service this Saturday marking the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"We understand our differences," said the Rev. Darryl Harris, pastor of Abundant Grace. "But we recognize what we share in common."
Historically, Jews and blacks in America struggled together for civil rights. But that alliance was strained in recent decades as some leaders within the two communities clashed publicly.
In 1984, for example, the Rev. Louis Farrakhan accused Jews of practicing a "dirty religion," and Jewish leaders called the Nation of Islam leader a "black Hitler." That same year, the Rev. Jesse Jackson sparked a furor when he referred to New York City as "Hymietown." He later apologized.
"There was ugliness," said Rabbi Joshua Caruso of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Beachwood. "But I never believed the African-American community felt the way Farrakhan felt."
Caruso acknowledged that since the civil rights movement of the 1960s, Jews and blacks have lost some common ground and they need to regroup.
"There's always been a natural connection between Jews and African-Americans," he said. "Both have been minorities in this country and both have experienced oppression and discrimination.
"Martin Luther King stood on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and compared the African-American people to the Israelites coming out of ancient Egypt. We were slaves for 400 years, and we share with black Americans the story of coming out of slavery."
Fairmount Temple is planning special MLK services and events for Friday and Monday, including poetry, music and African drumming performed by actors from Karamu Theatre.
The temple's regular Friday evening Sabbath service will feature African-American lecturer Christian Dorsey, who will talk about "The Change We Still Need: Black and Jewish Relations in the 21st Century."
Dorsey, who works at the Economic Policy Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank, said in a telephone interview that both groups need to put aside divisive issues like support for Israel -- not generally embraced by blacks -- and affirmative action -- not generally embraced by Jews.
"We need to work in good faith on issues we both care about," he said. "We can't allow the flash-point issues to divide us."
Issues that generally appeal to both sides include the social justice teachings of King and the message of President-elect Barack Obama about coming together and building community, Caruso said.
Nationally, 78 percent of Jewish voters voted for Obama -- the highest proportion of any demographic group other than African-Americans.
"On the eve of the inauguration of the first African-American president and in honor of Martin Luther King, we can show how two different communities can come together and celebrate," said Rabbi Joshua Skoff of Park Synagogue.
"We have a whole new generation of Jews and African-Americans. And we're all preaching the same thing -- good family values."
Both rabbis said they want to continue reaching out to the African-American community. "At least once a year, we're trying to make these inroads and, God willing, we'll do it more often," Caruso said.
Skoff added, "What would Martin Luther King say if he were alive today? He would call us to come together."