Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day Tribute

Father's don't get much on Father's Day!  The good thing is that most don't want much.  Most fathers care more for the welfare of their loved ones than their own selves.  Obviously that's not always the case and that is always sad.  But for the Christian, you are blessed to have a heavenly father that always is there and always cares!

I am convinced that what our heavenly father wants most of all is wrapped up in two words...THANK YOU!  His love is unconditional for His children.  There is nothing you can buy Him or bake Him!  Nothing you can give Him or get Him that he needs from our human hands, but He longs for our fully devoted human heart!

Our earthly fathers are only here for a season and specific reason.  They usually try their very best, despite their limitations to meet our needs, soothe our hurts, comfort and provide for us, and we should honor them, respect them, and show them in a tangible way how much we appreciate them.  If they are no longer with you in your life, cherish the good memories and forgive the hurtful ones, because they are simply men who may have tried their best, and at times came up short.  But your heavenly father will "never leave you or forsake you" and will carry you all the way to the finish line of your life.

So take some time this Father's Day to Thank Him, and the man who gave birth to you as well.  It was all part of His divine plan.  If your earthly dad knew Christ as His Savior and Lord, you can look forward to a heavenly reunion that will blow your mind!  That's part of His plan too.  That's the deepest love you can ever experience!

So Dad's enjoy your day and the people near and dear in your life.  For those of us whose dad has passed from this life, remember the good, let go of the bad, and hang on to God's unchanging hand.  A new generation is watching us as we do.  I pray they will see that faith in God is worth it, and real! 

Have a life-changing day as you celebrate your fathers in the flesh, and warmly remember the fathers who have gone before you, giving thanks to the Heavenly Father who will hold you closely through whatever season you go through.  THANK YOU... for being my Heavenly Dad now and forever!

 Fred Hammond Musical Tribute to Fathers

1 comment:

  1. Lord forgive me for not telling you thank you everyday of my life! If you miss your earthly dad, He's waiting for you to draw close and so He can comfort you and give you hope.
