Someone asked me why do we celebrate five years as a new church start. Well there are many reasons:
Ensure that future generations never forget!
Rejoice in what God has accomplished!
Remember the good times and the tough times!
Remind yourself how dependent you are on God!
Thank people for their support since the first day!
Allow people to breathe and get ready for the next five years!
I also believe there are seven things that the Lord wants us to do as we approach the next five year as a church body:
Explore new possibilities!
Focus on new ministries!
Invest in new facilities!
React quickly to new opportunities!
Develop future priorities!
Challenge future enemies!
Prepare for our future destiny!
Some of our keys will be:
We can't get discouraged and we can't get distracted. Our leaders will have to:
We have been Witnesses to the Grace of the Past!
We have been Captured by the Grace of God in the Present!
We have now Committed to the expansion of the Grace of the Future!
In the past few years I've only asked God for a few things. Of course I was excited to see my church turn five years old. When my son grew to 6ft 8 and eventually signed a college scholarship it was exciting. When his twin, my younger daughter was an early acceptance into college a few months later, it was a major milestone I was thrilled to behold. But one thing I asked God for as I laid prone on my hospital bed a couple of years ago was Lord..."would you let me walk my oldest daughter down the isle when she said yes to the man who would take my place in her life." I didn't know what His answer would be, but as the day approaches in a few months, I can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I'm an oldest child, and I truly believe there is something about your oldest that will bind you together forever! Of course you love all your children and will do all you can to support each one without favoritism, but you shared some things with the first that can never be repeated.
The sweat on your brow as you waited anxiously for her to emerge into this world will never be replaced.
When her first words were was priceless.
As I dropped her off for Kindergarden and watched her walk into the school, I couldn't stop the tears from falling even though she was smiling!
Going to the first musical concert and dance recital were special for her mom, but quietly the joy in the heart of a dad could not be ignored!
As I watched her dance to Michael Jackson, and bring home her first A on the report card it was truly a special moment!
As I taught her how to shoot a basketball, and see that turn into a opportunity to play on the college level.
When they called her name from John Carroll U. as the new member of the company of educated person with her degree it touch my heart!
But I believe to walk her down the isle will be a moment that will last forever, because it is the end of an era and beginning of a bright new season that holds both potential and fears that must be lived out if the baton of life is to be properly passed on to this next generation. And she will once again be first to travel this path.
When life closes the door of the final chapter in my life, there will be no regrets of not spending more time in the office, or even on another pricey road trip in my business career. The only regret will be if my daughter doesn't remember the deep love I had for her every step of the way as I pass her off to another man who will rightly hold first place in her life.
I must admit...
I hope she remembers our father/daughter road trip to LaCrosse, and Eau Claire, WI, with her as my special business trip partner!
I hope she remembers times at Disney and riding up the arch in St. Louis, and the beautiful harbor in Baltimore!
I hope she remembers her special snow suit for the cold of Minnesota, and her swim suits in the warm pools of Tampa!
I hope she remembers I kept my promise to keep her in the same high school for four years no matter what it costs me!
But most of all I hope she remembers when she said yes to Jesus Christ as her Savior, and her attempt to live a life of purity for Him. She might even remember that her dad was called by Christ to serve Him over money, and serve his family as best he could. I know I didn't get an A in that subject like she did, but I at least tried to get perfect attendance.
So when the preacher asks who gives this woman to be married to this man, I will proudly say "I do". But in my heart I know it wasn't me. It was the Lord who brought us both this far, and has a brand new world ahead for her. This time any tears shed will be tears of joy because the Lord has once again been faithful to me and answered another one of my deepest prayers!
So as she turns 25 today, I say thank you Lord for 25 beautiful years that have just passed, and thank you for many beautiful years ahead for a very special little girl in my life! Who says dreams don't come true?
Some of us are so busy, that we couldn't even take the time to watch this short video message from God! Most of us are just too busy. If God wanted to talk to us, he would have to make an appointment two weeks in advance.
The problem is...God doesn't work on our schedule. Either you take the time to listen, by opening His Word, and quieting your heart, or you just won't hear. I believe God has some incredible things to tell you if you would just take the time to listen!
Today, I went to one of my favorite quiet spots. Life has been so hectic, crazy and ongoing, that I had to get away and just listen to God. In my special place, it was the most relaxing afternoon I have enjoyed in quite some time, and God did not disappoint by sharing rich things with me that will help me greatly in the days and weeks to come. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't take time to just Be Sill...and Know that He is God!
I urge you to take some time to just spend with God. As we wait on God, He will speak to our hearts with amazing clarity. It is no guarantee that your issues will vanish, but I can guarantee, your soul will be nourished!
So do yourself and your loved ones a favor...kick back and spend some time with the creator of your mind, body, and soul. He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows your needs and even your desires. But He also knows what you really need is to spend time with Him...ALONE!
Don't miss a blessing, and an opportunity for peace of mind in the midst of whatever you are going through. We all have the same amount of time on a given day. The question is will you use part of your time to listen to God!
Watch this video and pick up a copy of my book on -"When God Says Wait" God wants to talk with you...yea! Blessings
Once again I missed my high school reunion. It was the class of 1975, 35th Reunion, in the great city of East Orange, New Jersey. From the photos I saw...they had a great time! I'm one of the few who never came back home after high school and have lived all over the country ever since. From our 5th, to our 35th, I've had to settle for looking at the beautiful faces of people I knew so well, and still care about today. I'm so glad they had a great, great, time together!
But as a believer, one who has accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal savior, I look forward to a reunion that I am assured to not miss! The sad thing is that some people will miss this one too. If you don't place your faith in Christ in this life won't be at what I call the Great Reunion! This is for believers only...and it will last for all eternity! How do I know for sure? What if you pass away before the big day? Well the bible tells us that whether this reunion is today or 100 years from now, when Christ comes to RAPTURE HIS CHURCH, He's bringing all members of His family! Those who passed before us and those who are still alive at the time will be at this party! The King's reunion, will be the party of all time! The bible says in I Thessalonians 4:13-18
13Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. 14We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18Therefore encourage each other with these words.
Happy 35th Reunion, East Orange High School Class of 1975!Now make your reservation for Christ's Great Reunion following the Rapture, by recognizing that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But the good new is that if you receive Christ's payment for you when he died for you on the cross your ticket is paid for!
If you do that, then I look forward to seeing you at the GREAT REUNION... where the good times will last forever, and ever! Make sure my great friends everywhere, you don't miss this one!
Enjoy this song by Kirk Franklin...about the Great Reunion!
WHAT IF GOD ASKED you trust me? How would you answer?
What if God told you...I was taking away your money, your home, your "honey"...would you trust Him?
What if God allowed wake up tomorrow with little wealth, and less health...would you trust Him?
What if God informed you...your loved one had days to live, and you had little to give...would you trust Him?
But what if God told you...though your money is gone I have a new job for you just beyond that closed door....would you trust Him?
But what if God told you...although your love one would die, because you shared Christ with him, he would spend eternity in paradise with me...would you trust Him?
But what if God told you...although your health would be weakened, I will still use you to share with others my strength in the midst of your weakness...would you trust Him?
Since ease, comfort and pleasure are not guaranteed in life, and God is Sovereign, it all comes down to one question as you ponder your state of contentment, peace, and joy....Do You Trust God?
Although God may say Yes, and He may say Wait...if you are still alive today aren't you glad He didn't say No to life's final chapter in your life just yet!
The bible let's us know in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose"
You can trust God for good even if you are facing the What If's of this life! Why...because He Is Faithful!