Tuesday, July 27, 2010
4 Keys to Courageous Spirital Leadership by Crawford Loritts
"Presence of Royalty" by Byron Cage
Some of us are discouraged in our ministries because we have refused to do what God has told us to do, not because he hasn't told us.
Nothing in life or in ministry ever happens apart from courage. Somebody has to pull the trigger. The very nature of leadership is that it is a prophetic statement of where things ought to be. Inherent in leadership is a call to embrace aloneness and resilience.
When you read Joshua 1 you must read it in its emotional context. Moses is dead because he disobeyed God. He allowed the pressure of those following him to get to him and he acted in unbelief. He commissioned Joshua to carry on.
Now God comes to Joshua personally to give him an exposition on courage. This is the best leadership text in the Bible. It is not for the faint-hearted. It's as if God reaches out and grabs Joshua (and us) by the lapels. He doesn't coddle us but gives us a fourfold description of courage.
1) Courage rests upon a clear assignment from God (v 1-4).
There is no such thing as courage apart from mission, just as there is no such thing as faith apart from challenge. You're not just courageous to be courageous, but you are courageous for something.
As for Moses, a man of God had died; but nothing of God died. He gave Joshua the assignment. He reiterated to Joshua what he had told Moses to do. God isn't needy of worthy men. He makes men worthy. Therefore we shouldn't fear the loss of any of his human instruments. God isn't fearful of his cause failing.
Ephesians 2:10 implies that we should step out in bold obedience. The good works he has prepared beforehand—we should walk in them!
What are the things God has prepared for you to do? When did you last reassess God's call on your life? What are those things that God has given you a passion for?
Your courage will rise when you have confidence in the call. Most people leave the ministry because of confusion and a lack of courage.
2) Courage rests upon the assurance of God's presence (v 5, 9).
God never calls us to do anything apart from him. Every assignment that God gives is also his primary means of sanctifying the leader. Some of us are getting burnt out because we are separating the sanctification process from our ministry. The very thing that God is using to draw us to himself is his calling upon us. His calling is a statement of his presence.
Pastoring is not just a job for you. It's not some evangelical corporate fulfillment. God's assignments come with a special sense of God's presence, also known as unction or annointing; and his presence is real.
Do you think God would leave Joshua high and dry? If God has called you, he is with you. Courage doesn't mean that I am not afraid. It means that I fear God more than I fear my environment. It means that I trust in divine resources more than the resources of man.
Philips Brooks: "Don't ask for tasks equal to your powers. Ask for powers equal to your tasks."
3) Courage rests upon focused determination (v 6, 7, 9).
Three times he repeats "be strong and courageous." God does not have a speech impediment. When he repeats himself, he intends to.
Be very careful of making decisions based upon your personality profile, etc. God is not bound by the way we're "wired." God never dialogues with anybody about how they're wired before he calls them to a job. Consider Moses and quit camouflaging doubt with psychobabble.
Leadership is strengthened by acts of obedience. It's a verb, not a position. You know you're flying over the right target when you're being shot at. If you're running because of opposition, you'll be running for the rest of your life.
The ability to endure deepens your resolve. If you act courageously, you'll get more courage. God is with you, but he'll only strengthen you when you raise your leg and put it forward. He can't steer a parked car. The wind will only blow when you put up the sail.
4) Courage is anchored by the word of God (v 7-8).
Success or failure in a mission is tied to your relationship to truth. There are three primary relationships in the verse:
a) Proclaim the Word ("let it not depart from your mouth").
The amount of biblical illiteracy in evangelicalism is appalling. How dare you think that you have the right to presume that ministry can succeed without being built upon the word. Pragmatism is taking the supernatural right out of our ministry. You can have C- leadership ability, but if you honor his Word you will succeed.
Pastors, make your time alone in God's Word inviolable. Your people deserve to hear from God every Sunday morning. They can't make it on illustrations, stories, or insights. They need a word.
b) Meditate upon the Word ("you shall meditate on it day and night").
The reason you can proclaim the word is because you have it stored up within you. It is the background noise of your life. When the trials come you can just turn up the volume.
Devotionally master the word of God for your souls. Immerse yourself in the book. Love it, live it.
c) Do all that is written in it.
Hypocrisy is an occupational hazard in ministry. It is the primary fault in our work. The problem with evangelicalism today is that if you can pull ministry off, nobody will ask you any questions. There isn't a dynamic relationship between giftedness and holiness, but true fruitfulness will prove itself over time. The integrity of your ministry is everything, so you have to practice the truth you're proclaiming.
You have to be the destination where you want other people to arrive.
Great message for Christian Leaders by Chip Ingram of "Walk Thru the Bible"
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Keys to Setting God-Given Goals
I’ve discovered that there are four keys to setting God-given goals in your life. They can be easily remembered in the following acronym:
P - Pray! The process of setting God-given goals begins on your knees! As you communicate with the one who created you with sincerity, He will communicate His purpose for your life!
L – Learn! The process of setting God-given goals continues in the classroom! This classroom can be a school building or in private study. However, you must invest the time to become an expert in whatever endeavor you are attempting to achieve!
A – Access! The process of setting God-given goals takes major steps to becoming a reality when you honestly access just what it will take to make this happen in your life. The bible calls this “counting the cost”! Goals become reality when you determine that you are willing to do everything you can do to make them happen with integrity!
N – Now! The process of setting God-given goals leaps into action when we determine that this process starts today! Many goals have been detoured because of personal procrastination! If God has lets you know what goals to set in you life, don’t delay. Begin the process right now!
So we see, that the process of setting God-given goals starts when you implement His personal P.L A.N.! To achieve your goals from God, remember, planning is not a dirty word
Listen to this amazing presentation and remember who you are setting your goals for!
Amena Brown
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Hope You Can Never Lose
It's hard to think of a more devastating feeling than losing what you had put all your hope in. It's a feeling you may know if you've lost your health, the love of your life, your job, an anchor person in your life, the thing you've invested so much in, or the person that's been the glue sort of holding your life together. Many have been told by their marriage partner of decades, "I don't love you anymore" and are left to feel crushed inside. In Cleveland, we had put so much of our hope in "the King", Lebron James. Today the King is gone. His mural has come down!
So many of us have either lost or will lose someone or something that we had put a lot of our hope in. Hope is often snatched away by death, divorce, desertion, disease, and disaster. Suddenly, our life is thrown into confusion, anxiety, and even despair. What we need is something to put our hope in that is "unloseable," something that can't be touched by death, disease, divorce, or disaster, and something that will never desert us. Actually, there is Someone who will never desert us. Surprisingly, many people have discovered in losing the source of their hope, they finally found the one hope they can never lose. It could happen to you today.
That hope is spelled out so beautifully in Psalm 62:1-2 and verse 5 of the Word of God: "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will never be shaken ... Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him." The only life-anchor, the only life-hope you can never lose is a personal love relationship with God - God alone.
It's not a religion, but a relationship. It's possible to have a lot of religion and totally miss the relationship with God that you were made for. Any hope we get from anyone or anything on earth is just an unsatisfying substitute for belonging to God. When you belong to Him and you know you do, your soul finally can, as the psalmist said, "rest." Until you belong to God, your soul is restless.
That unloseable relationship with God comes because we're away from the God we need so much. We are away from Him by our choice, not His. We've repeatedly chosen our way instead of His way and we've built an eternal wall between us and Him. It's a wall that God Himself acted to tear down by sending His only Son, Jesus, to pay for all our sins when He died on the cross. That's how much He loves you. That's how much He wants you. You've got to want Him in your life enough to say, "I'm sorry for my sin, God. I don't want to be this way anymore. I'm putting all my hope and trust in Your Son who gave His life so I could belong to You."
The hope you've lost and the emptiness you feel can lead you today to the hope you'll never lose - His name is Jesus, the "King of Kings"
adapted from Ron Hutchcraft
If You Are a Christian He Will Never Leave You...take that to the bank!
It Was You by Clint Brown
Friday, July 16, 2010
Do You Have a Vision Statement for Your Family?
Every family needs their own personal Family Vision Statement! Here is an example. I challenge you to take a few minutes and develop one for each area of your family's life. It will be time well spent. Years later you will look back and see how you did. Take the challenge today!
To develop my family in a biblically-centered way so that each member maximizes his or her full potential in Christ.
I. Spiritual Life: To make sure each member of my family is maturing in their Christian faith.
A. Church Worship
- To regularly attend church as a family and review what has been learned.
- To be actively involved in a ministry of the church.
- To develop a relationship with another family in the church with similar interests as ours.
B. Family Worship
- To pray as a family on a weekly basis.
- To have a family worship time on a weekly basis.
- To have a special spiritual retreat on an annual basis.
C. Personal Worship
- To set aside at least 15 minutes for personal devotions, and 30 minutes for bible study daily.
- To teach my children how to develop a personal devotional life by the time they are teenagers.
- To meet with, or lead a small group on a weekly basis.
II. Recreational Life: To promote meaningful fellowship and relationships that build up the members of the family.
· To romantically date my wife at least twice a month.
· To have a family outing at least once a month.
· To take a family vacation annually.
· To have at least two weekend getaways with my wife annually.
· To spend personal time with each child monthly.
· To make at least one affirming statement to each member of my family daily.
· To spend time talking to my wife daily about key life issues.
· To work out at least three times weekly for my, and wife’s physical well-being.
· To provide recreational activities for my children at least twice per week.
· To spend time each month with another Christian couple or family.
III. Financial Life: To be financially secure and stable.
· To be debt free within two years, except for house, and car.
· To pay off the house in twenty years or less.
· To develop a family business in the next 2 years.
· To develop a college education investment fund for my children.
· To support the church and selected ministries on a consistent and substantial basis.
· To use my finances as a means to bless family members and others.
· To teach my children how to give, save and spend.
IV. Education and Career: To maximize the opportunities and abilities of each member of the family.
· To sharpen my skills move to the next level in my occupation over the next three years.
· To allow my wife to continue to develop her skills, while maintaining family stability.
· To make sure my children are growing as students, and completing all school assignments.
· To pursue higher Biblical Education within the next three years.
· To fulfill God’s Call to ministry in my life.
· To develop ministry and spiritual gifts within the context of the local church.
· To read at least one book per month related to job or ministry.
V. Community Life: To contribute to the stability, progress, and development of the community in which I live.
· To miss no more than two PTA meetings annually in my children’s schools.
· To be involved in one quality community organization that helps others as well as provides the opportunity for Christian witnessing.
· To be a registered voter who participates in every election that affects my community.
· To get to know some of my neighbors personally.
Will you begin to write your family vision statement today?
Will you begin to write your family vision statement today?
Monday, July 5, 2010
How To Win The War Over Worry
Taken from a message
by Adrian Rogers
Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. (Psalm 37:1-7)by Adrian Rogers
Years ago there was a song entitled, “Don’t worry. Be happy.” It had a catchy tune, but do you know the problem with this phrase? It’s missing a “how to” in between “Don’t worry” and “Be happy.”
It’s like telling an alcoholic, “Don’t drink. Be sober.” Or a person trying to lose weight – “Don’t overeat. Get healthy.” There’s a missing link. And it’s the “How does a person stop worrying and be happy?” Let me share with you four ways you can win the war over worry:
Trust In The Lord
God wants to prove Himself to you. Let me ask you, “How do you know that the Lord is the joy of your life?” You don’t know, until He takes away your automobile or your health or your home or your family. When you say, “Jesus is all I need” make sure you can prove it. You’ll never know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.
Do Good
One of the signs that you’re not trusting God is that you drop out of your usual activities. They get down. You say, “I lost my job!” Well, what are you doing about it? “Well, I’m just sitting around the house!” Well, quit it! Get out there and do something because you’re trusting God to provide!
Delight Yourself In The Lord
Do you want to have a life of joy? Then, put your faith in something, or should I say Someone, who cannot be touched – the Lord! God isn’t finished with you until you find your greatest joy in Him alone. Now take the sentence very slowly – God is going to keep giving you this test until you pass it. He doesn’t flunk anybody out. And so, if you don’t pass this time, He’ll just run you through again.
Commit Your Way To The Lord
“Commit” literally means “to roll.” It means to roll your burden on the Lord. Whatever that burden is, you are to give it to God. His shoulders are broad enough. Matthew 11:30 says, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Is someone critical of you today? Give it to Jesus. Has someone hurt you? Give it to Jesus. Are you unsure about your future? Give it to Jesus.
Rest In The Lord
This word “rest” means “to be silent.” We want our answers yesterday. And God is saying, “Hush! Rest in Me!” Friend, God isn’t interested in time. He’s interested in timing. He’s never in a hurry. And He’s never late. Waiting on the Lord is like waiting for the sun to rise. You can’t hurry it. And you can’t stop it.
Trust... Do Good... Delight...Commit. ..Rest. What is the key to all of this? Jesus. When He is your focus, you can win the war over worry.
Are You Worrying or Trusting?
We Need You Lord by Jonathan Butler (Gospel goes Classical ...Awesome)!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Meet Tamia Washington Hill—She and Husband Grant Hill Open Up About MS
On May 27, 2005, blockbuster singer Tamia and her basketball superstar husband Grant Hill opened up about living with multiple sclerosis. Tamia and Grant spoke candidly about the initial shock that came with the MS diagnosis and how they have worked together to maintain a positive and pro-active outlook about managing the disease.
Tamia Washington Hill is an extraordinary example of what an individual with talent and tenacity can achieve. According to biographical material, Tamia had a tough start being raised in the projects of Windsor, Canada. Today, she is the R&B superstar known as "Tamia", dedicated wife of NBA icon Grant Hill, and mother of two year old Myla. Recently, however, Tamia has taken on a new role, advocate for creating a world free of multiple sclerosis.
Diagnosed in 2003 at the age of 28, she didn't know what MS was or how it might impact her life and the lives of her family. She learned that there were treatments available to help manage MS, particularly for those who are newly diagnosed, but was leery about going public with her diagnosis. She didn't know how her fans might react as they probably knew even less about MS than she initially did.
After educating herself about MS, Tamia now strives to make others more aware of the disease and the fact that an MS diagnosis does not mean an end to one's hopes and dreams. "I went through 'I'm not telling anyone.' Now I think it's important to share it. It doesn't have to be a death sentence," she told USA Weekend. She also stresses the importance of listening to what is going on with your body and being your own advocate with your doctor. "You know your body," she told Jet Magazine." "You know when something isn't right. Be a pest—keep going to the doctor and keep saying 'Hey, this isn't right.'"
Though there is no "good" time to receive an MS diagnosis, Tamia's diagnosis came during an especially trying time for her and her husband. Grant had recently returned from the hospital where Tamia had rushed him when he developed a staph infection after surgery on his ankle left him with convulsions and a 104 degree temperature. Tamia started experiencing numbness in her hands and feet and unexplained severe fatigue. It was then Grant's turn to take her to the hospital. Three doctors, a misdiagnosis of a pulled muscle, and several MRIs later, Tamia was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Soon after, while out of the country celebrating their anniversary, Tamia had her first frightening attack. "Literally, I could not lift a pen. I could not get out of bed. I had to fill out customs forms to come back and my husband had to fill them out because I could not write," she told Jet.
Tamia had been caring for Grant while his injury left him sidelined. Suddenly the roles were reversed and Grant was the caregiver. Instead of thinking of this as a negative, Grant credits this event to bringing them closer together as a family and to putting his injury into perspective. "Whether I play another 10 years or another day, there's more to life than putting the ball through the basket," Grant told The New York Times.
Tamia focuses on maintaining a positive attitude and raising awareness about living with MS. "I just felt it was important to get out there and let people know that it's not a sign of weakness," she told EXTRA about her MS diagnosis. "You have good days and bad days."
Everyone at the National MS Society is grateful to Tamia and Grant for their efforts to raise awareness and understanding about multiple sclerosis.
If you'd like to learn more about Tamia please visit www.tamiaworld.com and for Grant Hill, please go to www.granthill.com.
Tamia Washington Hill is an extraordinary example of what an individual with talent and tenacity can achieve. According to biographical material, Tamia had a tough start being raised in the projects of Windsor, Canada. Today, she is the R&B superstar known as "Tamia", dedicated wife of NBA icon Grant Hill, and mother of two year old Myla. Recently, however, Tamia has taken on a new role, advocate for creating a world free of multiple sclerosis.
Diagnosed in 2003 at the age of 28, she didn't know what MS was or how it might impact her life and the lives of her family. She learned that there were treatments available to help manage MS, particularly for those who are newly diagnosed, but was leery about going public with her diagnosis. She didn't know how her fans might react as they probably knew even less about MS than she initially did.
After educating herself about MS, Tamia now strives to make others more aware of the disease and the fact that an MS diagnosis does not mean an end to one's hopes and dreams. "I went through 'I'm not telling anyone.' Now I think it's important to share it. It doesn't have to be a death sentence," she told USA Weekend. She also stresses the importance of listening to what is going on with your body and being your own advocate with your doctor. "You know your body," she told Jet Magazine." "You know when something isn't right. Be a pest—keep going to the doctor and keep saying 'Hey, this isn't right.'"
Though there is no "good" time to receive an MS diagnosis, Tamia's diagnosis came during an especially trying time for her and her husband. Grant had recently returned from the hospital where Tamia had rushed him when he developed a staph infection after surgery on his ankle left him with convulsions and a 104 degree temperature. Tamia started experiencing numbness in her hands and feet and unexplained severe fatigue. It was then Grant's turn to take her to the hospital. Three doctors, a misdiagnosis of a pulled muscle, and several MRIs later, Tamia was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Soon after, while out of the country celebrating their anniversary, Tamia had her first frightening attack. "Literally, I could not lift a pen. I could not get out of bed. I had to fill out customs forms to come back and my husband had to fill them out because I could not write," she told Jet.
Tamia had been caring for Grant while his injury left him sidelined. Suddenly the roles were reversed and Grant was the caregiver. Instead of thinking of this as a negative, Grant credits this event to bringing them closer together as a family and to putting his injury into perspective. "Whether I play another 10 years or another day, there's more to life than putting the ball through the basket," Grant told The New York Times.
Tamia focuses on maintaining a positive attitude and raising awareness about living with MS. "I just felt it was important to get out there and let people know that it's not a sign of weakness," she told EXTRA about her MS diagnosis. "You have good days and bad days."
Everyone at the National MS Society is grateful to Tamia and Grant for their efforts to raise awareness and understanding about multiple sclerosis.
If you'd like to learn more about Tamia please visit www.tamiaworld.com and for Grant Hill, please go to www.granthill.com.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The Only Book that Really Matters
My old school, Florida State was recently in the College Baseball World Series. They lost again, but have been there an amazing twenty one times.
I was fortunate to play there over thirty years ago. On the team website, is an archive of all the letterman who have ever played for the Seminoles. I had never seen it before so I checked it out. To my surprise under the letter H, was written my name Darryl Harris, 1976. My name will forever be in the book!
However, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I'm so glad my name is written in another book. A much more important book. A book where the ink will never fade, and the pages never wear out. When you make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, He writes your name in the "Lamb's Book of Life." This book means you will live forever with Christ in heaven, and the good news is that He never uses an eraser! Your eternity is secure when your name is written in the Lord's book! So no matter what you are going through today, if your name has been written in this book, you always have reason to rejoice.
Joni Erickson Tada will be remembered for many years after she goes to glory because of her enduring work for Christ and the disabled. As she battles yet another challenge in her life with breast cancer, because her name has been written in the Lamb's book of Life, she will always have hope, and reason to continue to face challenges with strength and courage! No one desires to suffer, but the will of God is both mysterious and merciful. His will must be done.
Pastor and author Rick Warren said "life is a test...life is a trust...and life is a temporary assignment!" If we just touch one person's life with the love and grace of Christ on this journey, it's a life worth living. If your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and you lived for Christ's glory, despite your disabling condition, it's truly a job well done!
Don't go another minute unless you have the assurance that you know what book your name is written in. Make the decision today, because His book is the only book that guarantees eternal life!
Rev. 20:11-14
Worship Medley by Israel & New Breed (Holy Ground)
I was fortunate to play there over thirty years ago. On the team website, is an archive of all the letterman who have ever played for the Seminoles. I had never seen it before so I checked it out. To my surprise under the letter H, was written my name Darryl Harris, 1976. My name will forever be in the book!
However, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I'm so glad my name is written in another book. A much more important book. A book where the ink will never fade, and the pages never wear out. When you make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, He writes your name in the "Lamb's Book of Life." This book means you will live forever with Christ in heaven, and the good news is that He never uses an eraser! Your eternity is secure when your name is written in the Lord's book! So no matter what you are going through today, if your name has been written in this book, you always have reason to rejoice.
Joni Erickson Tada will be remembered for many years after she goes to glory because of her enduring work for Christ and the disabled. As she battles yet another challenge in her life with breast cancer, because her name has been written in the Lamb's book of Life, she will always have hope, and reason to continue to face challenges with strength and courage! No one desires to suffer, but the will of God is both mysterious and merciful. His will must be done.
Pastor and author Rick Warren said "life is a test...life is a trust...and life is a temporary assignment!" If we just touch one person's life with the love and grace of Christ on this journey, it's a life worth living. If your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and you lived for Christ's glory, despite your disabling condition, it's truly a job well done!
Don't go another minute unless you have the assurance that you know what book your name is written in. Make the decision today, because His book is the only book that guarantees eternal life!
Rev. 20:11-14
Worship Medley by Israel & New Breed (Holy Ground)
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