Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why Write When So Few Read?

Now that's a great question, especially when it comes to "people of color".  Statistics indicate that we read at a much lower percentage than people of most other ethnic groups.  If Oprah doesn't give her "blessing", you may be writing to an audience of one. 

But why should that stop you from exercising your God-given gift?  The amount of readers doesn't determine the quality of your content and it's potential impact on the few who do read it.  If what you write makes a difference in just one life, I say keep the presses rolling!

As a Christian, your audience of one is actually God himself!  You want to make Him look good, and make Him smile!  That alone should be reward enough!  Your correct use of God's gift may not make you wealthy, but may make you worthy of His divine... "Well Done"!

So "write on" my brothers and sisters!  Best selling Christian author Rick Warren was asked how did Saddleback Church become so successful?  His reply raised some eyebrows.  He responded with sincerity, "We try ten ideas, nine fail, and only one usually experiences success"  THEN WE WRITE A BOOK ABOUT IT!

One of the keys in life is to not be afraid to fail!  Failure in your eyes may be success in God's, and He is the ultimate judge and jury.  Here are three keys to remember as a Christian author however:

  • Make sure you are writing from your heart!
  • Make sure your heart's desire is to touch someone else heart!
  • Make sure your heart is in line with the heart of God!
If you write for the right reason, in the right season, and for the purpose of pleasing God,  He just may use your words for eternal purposes!  Come to think of it, an attitude of gratitude just may determine the altitude your book may fly if you just have the courage to try!

One of my favorite songs! Inspires Me!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving


Grandma's rolls!
  • so good they were sinful
    Dinner at my wife's families house!
    • much good food

    Sherry's sweet potato pies!
    • perfect every time

    Monica's sweet potato cheesecake!
    • better than cheesecake factory

    Pumpkin roll from a friend!
    • He was a goooood friend

    EO football games 70's!
    • whole town went to game, great band

    Mom's juicy turkey!
    • you don't even need gravy

    Wife and daughter's mac and cheese!
    • from generation to generation

    Aunt Faye's Pound cake!
    • thank you for your thoughtfulness

    My church folks food (Pastor's privilege)!
    • fried turkey, ribs, homemade ice cream and so much more

    These were good times. But can you thank God in the bad times? Watch this video...Give God thanks....and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    Saturday, November 20, 2010

    His Name is Jesus the Christ!

    Today I want to tell you a little about Jesus!
    He was the greatest motivator
    He was the greatest innovator
    He was the greatest agitator
    His name was Jesus …the Christ!

    No one ever cared so much
    No one ever loved so much
    No one ever sacrificed so much
    His name was Jesus …the Christ!

    No man could kill Him
    No grave could hold Him
    No whip could discourage Him
    His name was Jesus... the Christ!

    He lived so we could see
    He died to set us free
    He paid for your sin and my sin on an old rugged tree
    His name was Jesus... the Christ!

    If I wanted to be the world's greatest basketball player …I would talk to Michael Jordan!

    If I wanted to be the world's greatest businessman...I would talk to Bill Gates!

    But If I wanted to live a life of fulfillment and contentment, with absolute security I would talk to Jesus ... the Christ!

    There will never be anyone to walk the earth like Jesus.  There will never be a book written as powerful as the Bible!  Each day we get an opportunity to personally talk to Him,  listen to Him, and experience His love!  The choice is yours and you only get one lifetime to make this choice.  Choose a relationship with Him today.  Admit your sinfulness and receive His eternal forgiveness.  When you serve Him with each tomorrow He gives you,  then you will be able to tell the world about the greatness of Jesus...the Christ, YOUR SAVIOR!

    There's Nobody Like Jesus by Darwin Hobbs

    Wednesday, November 3, 2010

    The Winans - Now this is Good Music!


    Modeling Quiet Strength - Tony Dungy

    I wrote a book called When God Says Wait.  Waiting in our society is considered a weakness.  People hate to wait!  Even waiting on God!

    You must be too weak to lead if you are quiet.  Quietness is also considered a weakness.  But I've discovered that it takes more strength to remain silent and wait on God, than to boldly proclaim your power and demonstrate it with loud talking, loud walking, and loud living! 

    God's timing is rarely our timing!  I would rather wait on God and be late to man, than move too quickly without clearly hearing from God what He wants you to do.    I would rather suffer with Christ than gain the world with man without hearing from God first!

    The bible tells us that meekness is not weakness!  It's actually strength under control!  Very few model this attribute but those who do make an impact that few can match.  One such man who models this with incredible results is former coach Tony Dungy.  His strength may look like weakness to some but to God it's strength He can use for His glory!

    Listen to Tony talk about his book, Quiet Strength.  My prayer is that I could model this type of strength in my life and ministry.  Tony is one of the strongest men I know and is a role model to me.  May God Bless those who model this type of strength in a world who thinks the world would run over them if they exercise strength this way.  Wait on God and model strength His way!