Tuesday, December 20, 2011


New King James Version (NKJV)
Joshua 1:6-9
6 Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

 1.  Be Strong - not physical strength, but spiritual.  Recognize that your strength comes from the Lord

 2.  Be Courageous - step out in faith without doubt. Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the ability to do what you’ve been called to do despite your fear.

 3.  Be Obedient - apply what we read and hear

 4.  Be Undistracted - don’t let money, growth, and acclaim distract us from serving Christ 

 5.  Be Studious - stay in God’s Word at all times
Vs. 8 “ This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth”

 6.  Be Prayerful– develop personal intimacy with God. (pray, meditate, and reflect)
Vs. 8 “meditate in it day and night”

 7.  Be Thorough
- do everything the Lord commands you to do, and do it well.
Vs. 8  “according to all” “ do everything”

 8.  Be Confident - do not fear life’s circumstances
Vs.9 “do not be afraid or dismayed”

 9.  Be Encouraged - God is with us.  He won’t fail us
Vs 9 “the Lord your God is with you"

God gave me these as I began my life in ministry!  Now I understand why!  These attitudes, that carried Joshua, will carry you when the storms of life blow, and you don't know which way to go!   Incorporating these in your life will change you and sustain you!  May God use them to make you the leader He wants you to be!

Fearless by Anthony Evans (Son of Dr. Tony Evans)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

4 Steps to Managing a Key Life Change

Life is all about transitions! The only thing you can count on in life outside of eternal security in Christ, is that change is always around the corner!  Life is to be enjoyed to the fullest as a gift from God, but the Lord is more concerned about your character than your comfort.  His desire is that we continually be conformed to the image of His Son, and either allows or uses change to help in the reshaping process. The ultimate goal is to be more and more like Christ each day. The goal is not perfection, normally correction, all as a result of your selection of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!  As the "boss" He can do whatever He chooses to do to make you more like Him in every area of your life!

In basketball, how a team makes the transition from offense to defense usually dictates the outcome of most plays.  In life, how we transition from the days of our youth, to the inevitable time when the body starts to slow down, can make a big difference in your quality of life.   Smoothly making this transition requires at least 4 key decisions you must be ready to incorporate into your "new" lifestyle:

  1. Refuse...to let what you can't do, prevent you from achieving what you can! 
  2. Accept...that time stops for nobody!
  3. Trust... that God's strength is greater than your weakness!
  4. Enjoy... each day as a new gift from God!

If you are currently going through this life transition, how would your RATE, your life right now?  Would you give yourself an A?  Maybe a C?  Unfortunately an F?   The good news is that you can emerge victorious by simply applying these four action steps in your life.  The decision is yours.  Don't let this transition trip you up and prevent you from taking the next step in your life with with grace, peace, and joy!  You may be getting older but you can still get better!

The Sounds of Blackness - (from days in Minneapolis/church)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Tebow Leadership Effect

You would have to be living in another country to have not heard of the name Tim Tebow!  It doesn't matter if you like him or hate him.  One thing for sure..you can't skip him!  When you use your unique platform to be bold for Jesus Christ, you will not go unnoticed!

Now this alone takes boldness and courage because contrary to the thinking of many, bold Christians are not the most  popular people on the planet.  Christ was crucified so why would you think you will be embraced?  People think the standard is perfection!  Not only don't they not want to hear it, they will scrutinize your life, looking for one moment of weakness or imperfection.  Then the test begins.

Tebow is attempting to walk the walk in the public eye but he has three relentless enemies...the world, the flesh, and the devil!  The bible is clear.. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23,  so perfection is an impossible standard!  What Tim Tebow is trying to do is live a godly life, in an ungodly world, in the public eye, not for self but for the glory and honor of Jesus Christ, His Lord and Savior!  For that boldness, I say...Go Tebow!

He may never be the best quarterback in the NFL, but it won't be from lack of effort!  He won't win every game and may never get to a championship, but God asks us to be the best we can be with the ability He gives, and never forget to thank and praise Him for the talent, and opportunity He has given us!  If you do that, you can leave the results to Him!

There will be haters...but they hated Jesus!  Others will say that you don't have the truth...we do!  God just wants you to stand for Him on His authority in faith and trust Him!  Yes, it's easy to thank Him after a big win, but I believe Tebow will thank Him after a loss just as boldly!  That doesn't make him perfect or sinless,  it just makes him a true "Ambassador for Christ"

He's been like this since college, but the stage is bigger now, the opportunity larger, and the opposition stronger!  Enjoy the good times and prepare for the tough times Tim.  I'm praying you will continue to stand strong through it all!  Thank you Tim for the refreshing stand for MY Savior, Jesus Christ!  May God give me the strength to demonstrate the same courage, boldness and leadership skills in my life as well!


  • Believe In Yourself
  • Believe In Others
  • Point The Direction
  • Embrace The Concept Of Team
  • Provide An Environment For Growth
  • Inspire and Motivate Others
  • Move People From Where They Are To Where The Need To Be
  • Develop, Develop, Develop, & Develop
  • dream BIG. think BIGGER.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Waiting on God by Dr. Charles Stanley

Right timing is critical in a believers walk with the Lord. However trusting His timing in important decision, uncertain direction, or pressing needs is extremely difficult when everything within us cries, "Do something!" Because we want action, waiting for God seems so passive.

To wait for the Lord means to pause for further instruction while remaining in the present circumstance. It is a purposeful, expectant focus on God- a choice to be actively still and quiet in out heart, listening for His voice and watching for His intervention. The wait is not for events to work out as we want, but rather for God's will to be done. The Lord's voice often comes to us through His Word. Because this is His instruction book for our lives, quiet meditation on Scripture is essential. Sometimes when I read my Bible, a passage will jump out at me. The guidance I'm seeking is right there, almost as if it has my name written on it.

At other times, God will use changed circumstances to redirect us, or He will motivate another person to give guidance, However, always remember that any voice offering us direction must align with the Lord's will as revealed in His Word; otherwise, it is not from Him.

The first step in waiting for the Lord is submission to His choice of how and when He will act. What are you hoping God will do? Are you seeking Him or the thing you want from Him? Because He alone knows what is best for you, let go and trust His choice."

Bonus from Dr. Tony Evans on Waiting on the Lord

David was the anointed king of Israel, but before he could enjoy the realization of God's promises, he had to go through a season of testing and waiting. During this time, he was forced to hide out in caves and literally run for his life. King Saul, who was bent on David's destruction, continually hunted for him. Perhaps the Lord has given you a promise through His Word. You are ready to see it unfold, but it hasn't happened yet. Though you have waited, it seems that there is no hope on the horizon. Remember, God's timing is perfect.

He knows what you need, when you need it. He knows that if we are going to learn how to walk with Him in the daylight or the good times, we must learn first to trust Him in times of darkness.

At some point, each of us has waited for God's promises to come. David may have wondered when the Lord would open the door to blessing. However, he never allowed his thoughts to turn to doubts. In fact, in Psalm 18:17, 19, he praises God for the victory he knew would be his one day. "(God) delivered me from my strong enemy, and from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me … He brought me forth also into a broad (or spacious) place, He rescued me, because He delighted in me."

When God delivers you from trial and trouble, you can be sure that He will bring you out into a spacious place of joy and delight - one that also will glorify Him and add encouragement to your life. Have you been pushing and shoving in an effort to move God on to the place where you think you should be? If so, stop and be determined to wait on God. The time you spend waiting in darkness will one day be rewarded by the Father of lights (James 1:17).

Sunday, November 6, 2011

8 Tips When in Life's Pressure Cooker

No one get's through life without spending time in the 'Pressure Cooker"!  Trials, Tribulations, and Testings are a part of every life.  For the believer in Christ, this is no exception.  However, with the Lord walking by your side, the "pressure" doesn't have to "cook" you, just conform you!

Do you feel like you are in life's pressure cooker?  Do the trials seem overwhelming, and the test just too hard to pass?  Here are some eight tips to help you endure the heat and emerge victorious!

1.  REJOICE…  in the attributes of Jesus 

He’s so holy
     He’s so glorious
He’s all-powerful
     He’s all knowing
He’s everywhere at all times
       He’s marvelous and magnificent
He’s gracious and good
       He’s loving and longsuffering
He’s tender and tender hearted
       He’s the light of the world and the light of my life
He’s fully man and fully God
      He’s Jesus!

… the mercy of Jesus
Thank God He doesn’t give us what we truly deserve

… in the sovereignty of Jesus
He has all things under control

4.  REST
…  in the comforting hands of Jesus
There is truly no safer place you can be

… of the sins that drove Him to the cross
While you wait, change the direction in which you are walking and follow Him

…   His name is Jesus Christ, your Savior
Don’t neglect the one who changed your life

7.  RECAP …the highlights you’ve had with Jesus.
Write it down so you will never forget all of the great things He has done for you
8.  REMEMBER…He’s immutable and will never change. “He will never leave or forsake you.”  His promises will endure forever.

What God is ultimately trying to do as you go through your time of pressure, is to refocus your mind from the horizontal perspective, to the vertical reality.  Jesus wants you to focus on Him by adjusting your thinking and vision towards godly thoughts and actions.

Paul reminded us of this when he told the Philippian believers these words. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you
Philippians 4:8-9

The Lord is with you in the pressure cooker!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 Characteristics of a True Friend

What are the characteristics of a true friend?  The list could be endless and I'm quite sure more comprehensive list exists, but these are probably a part of most  that exist.  A true friend is an invaluable asset in life!  Are your friends anything like this:

  1. friends... don’t just shake your hand, they hold it! 
  2. friends... tell you when you’re off your game, and you think you’re on it!
  3. friends... don’t run away from challenges, they walk with you through challenges!
  4. friends... don’t leave you alone in an empty room!
  5. friends... will tell you there’s food stuck in your teeth!
  6. friends... don’t lose faith in you just because others do!
  7. friends... will stand with you, when others flee from you!
  8. friends... have thick skin while acquaintances have thin!
  9. friends... prioritize relationships above personal agendas!
  10. friends... play with you, pray for you, and stay by you! 
If you have a friend like this, you should call him or her, and thank them for their friendship, and thank God for placing them in your life!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Small Things Count to God!

"If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities."  Luke 16:10

Everyone who goes into ministry has dreams of doing great things for God!  Great things normally mean:
  • Preaching to thousands!
  • Winning lost souls to Christ every week!
  • Bringing revival to people who have lost hope!
  • Reaching your community, city, state, nation and even the world!
In most cases God is looking to see if you can first be faithful in the small things before He allows you to tackle the larger things!

As a new church, at our first Easter, Resurrection Service were amazed as over 600 adults attended, and 150 kids showed up!  We were running less than 200 per Sunday to that point.  Yes we planned!  Yes we prepared!   Yes we promoted!  But this exceeded even our expectations! 

And what a service we had!  In most cases like this, it simply usually just a case of the "Creasters" coming to church! (those who come on Christmas and Easter)  All things looked like we were way ahead of schedule and on our way!  Thousands soon would be flooding in to this new fledgling church in the Heights!  To our surprise the next Sunday, most returned!  We had moved to a larger facility space just on faith, and in week two of our move we were still full!

One difference was evident!  Our follow up service did not have the same, preparation, passion and excellence!  We weren't ready to receive the large crowd.  We "hoped" they would come, be really didn't "expect" them to come back...and the service fell flat!  By the following week we were back to our normal 200 adults in attendance, and soon back to our smaller meeting place! Early tough lessons had to be learned.

The first lesson I learned, was that God wants you to be just as faithful in the small things as you are in the big things! 
  • Would we minister with excellence if 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, or 1000 walked through the doors of our fellowship?  It shouldn't change!!  
  • We need to be just as faithful in the small things as we would be in the large things!  
  • People are not numbers!  If God brings them to you... to be ministered by you, for Christ sake, they deserve your very best!  
  • Most importantly God deserves your best in all things and faithfulness in everything you do in His name!
In the end, our desire should be to hear "Well Done thou good and faithful servant" from our Savior, Jesus Christ!  In the Christian life being faithful is not an option...it's a command!

God wants our very best in all aspects of our lives, especially in the small things!  Will you give Him your best in the small things of your life?  If you are faithful, you may see Him enlarge your territory!  If you are not, take it from me, you may be a candidate for His remedial classroom curriculum!

Be Faithful in all the small things...AND WAIT ON THE LORD FOR THE NEXT ASSIGNMENT!

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Breast Cancer Journey Pt. 5 (Final): Guest Blogger - Yvette Register (sister)

The following article is part five of a five part series on a personal experience with Breast Cancer written by Yvette Register

My Breast Cancer Journey:  Radiation

ORLANDO  I completed my final chemotherapy treatment the last week in August.  I was so excited.  I remember how I cried my first day.  On the last day I grinned the whole time.  When I was done I got a chance to ring the bell. It’s a ritual that everyone gets to do when they have completed their last treatment. 

I had a three week break before starting radiation to let the side effects of chemotherapy subside.  During that time I met with my Radiation Oncologist and radiation technicians who placed markings on the upper part of my body in preparation for treatment.  With all the lines drawn on me with a marker, I thought I looked like a human Etch-A-Sketch by the time they finished. 

Next, my doctor referred me to a lymphedema therapy specialist because of the swelling in my left arm due to the removal of lymph nodes during surgery.  The specialist also works with me on stretching exercises to help restore the range of motion in my arms due to lack of movement over the past several months. 

In addition to the above, I celebrated my birthday on September 3rd!  I thank God for allowing me to be here for another birthday and for the peach fuzz like hair that is starting to grow back on my head.  I’m seeing a lot of gray, though.  I said to myself, “Lord I’m not trying to be ungrateful but can I have some brown hair, too?”  Don’t worry I’m very grateful to see my hair slowly return. 

On September 20th I started the first of 28 radiation treatments.  I was done in 15 minutes. That was much better than my five hour chemotherapy treatments.  I didn’t cry either.  I was prepared for the possible side effects of fatigue and skin irritation.  But I was a little nervous about the thought of possible damage to my heart and lung because of the location of the radiation treatment.  As I lay on the table, for the first treatment, and the radiation machine started moving around my body I thought, “OK beam, please don’t damage my heart!”  Then I realized that the Lord will take care of my heart, too!

Over the past five weeks I have taken you on my breast cancer journey.  I’ve covered the diagnosis, assembling my medical and support team, the surgery and my chemotherapy experience.  Now I have caught you up to my current radiation treatments.  Next week I will begin my fourth week. I’m looking forward to completing my treatments on October 27th. 

I’ve come a long way!  In February, I came to a detour in the road of life.  It was as if the Lord was asking me, “Will you still trust Me now that you have breast cancer?”  My answer, “Yes, Lord, I trust You even more now!”  He has wiped away my tears and conquered my fears.  And He will walk with me in the upcoming years as I continue to go through follow up with my doctors. 

As a breast cancer survivor you understand that there is a chance that it could return or show up in another part of the body.  My colleague’s late wife, Cindy, taught me a valuable lesson that helps me stay focused.  I call it the win/win situation.  If I live I win because I get to be here with my family and friends.  If I pass I win, because I get to spend eternity in heaven with the Lord.

I’m not worried about leaving just yet.  I have to tell as many people as possible about the good news of Jesus Christ.  (John 3:16)  I have to let as many breast cancer survivors as possible know that they can go through their journey boldly with faith in the Lord.  And I pray that I’m here for my son, AJ’s many life experiences.

I thank the Lord for everyone He placed in my life to help me make it through these last nine months.  My family and friends have been there every step of the way.  Also, the prayers of many continue to help me through the healing process.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Dr. Calvin Collins of the Orlando Times who allowed me to share my journey in this five part series.  Because of him I have been able to reach many people and share an experience that has helped strengthen my faith in the Lord.  I hope my breast cancer story has been encouraging.  Feel free to pass it on to the women you may know who are traveling a similar journey.   Tell them Yvette said to live boldly and never stop trusting in the Lord. 

(Yvette Register can be reached at yvetteregister@gmail.com

 My Life is in Your Hands by Brooklyn Tabernacle

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Breast Cancer Journey Pt. 4: Guest Blogger - Yvette Register (sister)

The following article is part four of a five part series on a personal experience with Breast Cancer written by Yvette Register

ORLANDO - With my mother at my side, I sat in my Oncologist’s examination room and listened as she told me the results of the tests done on the tumor that was removed during my surgery.  The tumor was larger than they thought.  Because of the size they considered it stage three breast cancer.  My doctor advised me that I would have to have six rounds of chemotherapy and have it administered once every three weeks.

I was so glad my son, AJ, made it home from college before my treatments began. He would be able to go through the chemotherapy journey with me.  The morning of my first chemotherapy treatment I gave him a big hug and then my mother and I drove to the hospital. 

Once in the hospital I began crying as we waited for the elevator to take us to the 5th floor.  I continued to cry when I got off the elevator and signed in.  The ladies at the desk said hello but they didn’t say a word about my tears.  Neither did my mother.  They just let me cry.  I appreciated it, too.  Sometimes when you go through rough times you don’t need to hear someone say, “Don’t cry.”  You have to know that it’s ok to cry.   

In the treatment room there was a reclining chair, a TV and another chair so my mother could sit with me.  My nurse hung several bags that contained my medicine in it on an IV stand.  She connected the first one to the port that was placed in my chest during my surgery.  Having a port makes it easier to receive the medicine instead of having to get it through my arm.  Once one bag of medicine was finished the machine would beep and the nurse would come in to start another one.  For me, the whole process took about five hours.  During that time, volunteers came to visit each patient and provided pillows, lunch, cookies, words of wisdom and lots of smiles. When the last bag of medicine was empty I could go home.  Three days later I would return to get an injection of another medicine that replenished my white blood cells. 

Everyone experiences different side effects.  Some of mine included pain in my bones, sore muscles, numbness in my fingers, at times extreme fatigue and at other times insomnia. One thing is for sure, during my entire chemotherapy journey I never lost my appetite.  Food stopped tasting good, but I still wanted to eat it!  Needless to say, weight gain was another side effect.

From May until the end of August the chemotherapy medicine, the bad cells and the good cells were at war inside of me.  Many times I cried out to the Lord and recited “Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.  From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalms 61:1-2(KJV). 

In addition to dealing with side effects, I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was for the big one – the loss of my hair.   On May 3rd I had my first chemotherapy treatment. On May 17th my hair started to fall out.  I was speechless for a moment.  Both hair and tears were falling from my body.   My brother, Ron, was at home to hug me and tell me that everything would be ok.  I knew it would be but I was thrown off guard because I thought my hair wouldn’t start falling out until the third chemotherapy treatment, not the first one!  But there I was trying to plan the inevitable when God had His own schedule.  I thought I had learned to let go.  I realized I hadn’t.  At that moment I finally turned it all over to Him.

It was time to part with my hair.  I decided to have it all cut off rather than go through the agony of watching it come out in large amounts.   I called my beau, Mac, and asked him to come over to cut my hair.  But before I had it cut off, I wanted to prepare my son, AJ, for my baldness.  I showed him how much hair I was losing with each stroke of the comb. He watched and said, “Wow!” 

The next day it felt awkward sitting and watching my hair being shaved off.   When Mac finished my head was as bald as his.  I would have to get used to the new image that I saw staring back at me in the mirror.  Sometimes I was hard on myself.  Sometimes I’d laugh at myself. Soon I began to say “I’ve lost my hair but not my spirit.”  Most important, I know that God loves me with hair or without hair.  And I know that His love for me does not change. 
Beautiful and Courageous -Yvette Register

 I’m thankful for all the love, prayers, hugs, visits, positive feedback and words of encouragement that I received from my friends and family during my chemotherapy journey.  It wasn’t an easy experience but it wasn’t an impossible one either.  I made it through it.

Next week will be the last article on my breast cancer journey as I close with my radiation experience.  I encourage you to stay with me as I continue to share how God’s grace has covered my life and made my walk with Him stronger and more courageous!  I hope it will be a blessing to others who may have a similar journey!

Marvin Sapp "He Has His Hands on You"

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Breast Cancer Journey: Guest Blogger - Yvette Register

The following article is part three of a five part series on a personal experience with Breast Cancer written by Yvette Register

My Breast Cancer Journey:  Surgery

ORLANDO - With the medical team in place and my family by my side I was ready to face the next part of my breast cancer journey – the surgery.

At 5:01am on March 25th before going to the hospital for surgery to remove a malignant tumor, my friends poured out their love.  My friend Donna Jones called me and prayed with me.  We cried together.  She reminded me that when I first told her about my diagnosis I said, “I want to be able to help others to know that they can go through this without falling apart.”  Hearing her repeat my words helped me realize that this was the beginning of many opportunities I would have to practice what I preached.

 Next, I received a text message from my high school classmate Rubenia Felton.  I remember reading the following, “God have your way today.  Guide the hands of the doctors.  Keep them alert and let nothing distract them.”  She then quoted Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” She closed with “We trust you God, in Jesus name, Amen.”  I then sent a text message to my son who was away at college and let him know that I would call him as soon as I could.

I arrived at the hospital and checked in at 7:00am.  After having pictures and x-rays taken I was led to the pre op area.  I was greeted by a nurse named Brenda who told me she’d take good care of me.  She then gave me a gown to put on and closed the curtains.  I stood there and thought, “I don’t want to go through with this.”  Tears rolled down my face.  I cried for a moment and then a calm feeling came over me.  I thanked the Lord, wiped my tears, put on the gown and opened the curtain. 

Across the room I noticed two nurses looking at me and pointing in my direction.  Could they have heard me crying?  I didn’t think I cried that loud. Then one of them came over to me and told me her name.  It was one of my customers!  She reminded me of how I helped her years ago and how much she appreciated it.  She said she had been waiting for me because she had seen my name posted on the board the day before.  She wanted to tell me that she was a breast cancer survivor and that she felt wonderful.  Look how the Lord works.  She was one of many He sent to comfort me as I prepared for surgery.

After my surgeon went over some last minute things with me the anesthesiologist administered the medicine that knocked me out in less than five minutes.  I woke up in the recovery room and was told the surgery went well.  I was surrounded by my mother, my brother, Ron, my sister-in-law, Barb, my friend, Dawn and my beau, Mac.  I remember praying, “Lord today and during this whole time I saw and felt your love. Thank you.”

I called my son as promised.  I told him that I was talking funny due to the anesthesia but I was ok.  I kept saying the same thing over and over again before someone took the phone from me and told him not to worry.  My mother spent the night with me in the hospital and the next day I was released and went home. 

I received a constant flow of get well cards, flowers, gifts, personal visits, emails, text messages, and calls from church members, colleagues, friends and family.   It was heartwarming to know people kept me in their prayers.

I made it through learning about my breast cancer diagnosis, I made it through assembling my medical and support team and I made it through the surgery to remove the cancerous tumor from my body.  I believed the Lord would help me make it through the next phases in my journey – chemotherapy and radiation. The real battle was ahead of me.

I hope you will continue to go with me on this journey.  It is one filled with faith, hope and trust in the Lord.


Friday, September 16, 2011

My Breast Cancer Journey: Guest Blogger - Yvette Register

Assembling the Medical and Support Team – Part 2     

The following article is part two of a five part series on a personal
experience with Breast Cancer written by Yvette Register

ORLANDO - Being diagnosed with breast cancer was shocking. For a few days I walked around in disbelief. My brother Darryl reminded me of a bible verse I used when I spoke at a church scholarship dinner a couple of years ago.  

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

It helped because up until then I didn’t have the nerve to review the diagnosis the doctor had given me the prior week. On the lab result I read the words Invasive Adenocarcinoma of the ductal type. It occupied 60 percent of the biopsied tissue. What in the world did that mean? I started researching this on the internet to learn as much as I could so I would be prepared when I talked to the doctors that would make up my medical team. I discovered that this is the most common type of breast cancer and it accounts for 8 out of 10 invasive breast cancers. It starts in a duct, breaks through the wall of the duct and invades the tissue of the breast. It could spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. That was something I really didn’t want to think about. I prayed that spreading had not happened.

After doing some research on my own, I used a three ring binder to organize my notes, diagnosis paperwork, lab test results, doctor’s appointments, questions, insurance paperwork and all the information I’d get during my journey. I needed to do this because it was time to do something. It was time to assemble my medical team. 

When I talked to some cancer survivors they told me that when they found out they had breast cancer their surgery followed quickly. For me it seemed like it took forever to get to that point. I spent the entire month of February and most of March interviewing doctors and having more tests done. I asked the Lord to help me find the best doctors for me. I used the recommendations my gynecologist and family practitioner gave me to begin the process of assembling my medical team.

Equipped with my internet research, I interviewed surgeons. I selected my two surgeons because I liked the patient education process they took me through and their compassionate bedside manners. That’s what I was looking for and needed. I would learn that many of the questions I had such as the exact size of the tumor, the stage of the cancer and the type of treatment could not be answered until after the surgery. I was given the surgical options and explained the choices are an individual decision. 

I also met with an Oncologist. She would be responsible for the coordination of my chemotherapy treatments. She spent a lot of time during my initial visit and prepared me for what that process involved. She explained that the exact plan of treatment would come after surgery. She didn’t assume that I automatically wanted chemotherapy. When she asked me what I thought I told her "Are you kidding, I already bought a wig! I’m ready." It was the truth. I thought I might as well get a wig now rather than wait until I was bald. At the end of my appointment she hugged me. Wow! I felt special. I’m glad I added her to my team.

Another member of my medical team that I added was a radiologist. He explained to me that chemotherapy treated the entire body and radiation treated the site where the tumor was removed. He also explained the possible side effects. Again, I would have to wait until after surgery to find out if I needed radiation.

In addition to my medical team, I needed the help of a support system. Part of my support team includes my friends the other part my family. I have been blessed to have my mother heading up the family support team. She has been to every doctor appointment since my diagnosis. And another blessing came in the form of my brother Ron and his wife Barbara. They had been planning to move for a while but couldn’t sell their home. When I told them about my diagnosis, their house sold and they moved to Florida from Ohio to be here to help me in my office so I could focus on getting well. All I know is that without a shadow of a doubt God is great. 

I hope you will stay with me as I continue the journey with articles on the surgery, the chemotherapy experience and radiation treatments. It is my desire to let people know that if they or someone they know is diagnosed with breast cancer that they should focus on assembling the best medical care and support team possible. The Lord blesses many doctors with the knowledge and expertise to help heal us through the field of medicine. I am thankful for the healing process in the journey.

Annointed - Now Is the Time

Coaching Your Kids - Life's toughest Job

The average man has over seven jobs in his lifetime!  Some brings great joy and rewards.  Others are challenging and a real struggle.  I've experienced both types in a variety of settings from business, to now ministry.  However the most challenging, and rewarding job I have ever undertaken is the job as a father, of coaching my own kids!

I thought being a full-time youth pastor for five years, in a mega-church in Cleveland would have prepared me for the task ahead as I juggled that with raising pre-adolescent children myself.  However, something told me, and the scriptures confirmed, that coaching my own kids through the turbulent teen years would be my greatest challenge, despite all of the advice I had given adults and teens on the subject throughout the years.  Let me make it clear, it is difficult to be Dad, and coach in your kids life.  Whether it is in sports, school, or just life, there are lines that must be drawn and never crossed to maintain godly relationships and respect for your most important position in your kid's life... Dad!  

It is impossible to succeed at this 100% of the time!  However, you need to exercise wisdom, sometimes through trial and error, to emerge on the winning side!  Let me give you a few tips that I've now learned are indeed critical to even have a chance to win this game!

  • Kids care more about what you show, than what you know!
  • Teaching godly values begin at birth...and must last a lifetime!
  • Love is the greatest teaching tool!
  • Discipline is different than punishment...and must be done with wisdom!
  • Listening is more important than telling!
  • Establish clear roles of responsibility in your home!
  • Good coaches have good assistants!
  • When in doubt, error on God's side!

Jesus was a great coach and He wants you to be one too!  Each of us has unique challenges to face, but we can't run, we can't hide, and we can't pass it off to the schools, the government, or even the church.  This is our responsibility as Dads. Victory is not measured by your child's achievement, but by your faithfulness, and obedience to the Lord!  That's how he will measure you as a dad!

So Buckle Up!  Prepare yourself...and Hold On, for the most thrilling ride of your life! The highs will be high and the lows will be low.  But you can win, if you Accept the Challenge... Play your role Well... and Never Give Up on your Child!  Coaching God's way is a winning strategy!


Friday, September 9, 2011

My Breast Cancer Journey: Guest Blogger - Yvette Register

The Diagnosis – Part 1     BY YVETTE REGISTER

The following article is part one of a five part series on a personal experience with Breast Cancer written by Yvette Register in the Orlando Times Newspaper.

ORLANDO - In the beginning it was a secret. I didn’t want anyone to know. I didn’t want to talk about it because I would start crying. I remember February 1, 2011 like it was yesterday. That was the day the "C" word entered my life and changed it forever. It was the day my doctor told me that I had Breast Cancer! The lump that I found in January and had biopsied was malignant!

I sat in my doctor’s office and listened to her say, "Well Yvette, I don’t have good news." It sure wasn’t. As I listened, I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes because I was trying to be strong. Some rebelled and fell anyway. I just kept saying, "Wow!" Lots of things ran through my mind like, what will happen to my son, AJ, what could I have done differently, will I lose my business and how do I tell my family. I also remember saying to the Lord, "Lord, I can’t die! I have too many people to help. I have to be here to finish helping AJ through college and the rest of his life. Lord, do I have to go through this?" The answer was yes!

After a long discussion on the journey ahead of me and getting the names of a couple of surgeons, I left my doctor’s office and sat in my car and cried some more. I had a long talk with the Lord and told Him I needed Him to get me through this. I prayed for strength and guidance. And then I called my mother. I just knew the news of my diagnosis would break her heart. To my surprise she was very calm. I know it was for my sake and I’m sure when I hung up the phone she cried, too. But telling her was a partial relief for me. 

In the upcoming weeks, in between my MRI and searching for my Cancer Medical Team, I found the courage to talk with two cancer survivors. Winsome Edwards and Iselyn Dallas had traveled the road I would come to know well. In addition to their advice I read Lakeba Wallace’s book entitled "You can make it!" All three ladies I had met years ago. I believe the Lord planned it that way to prepare me for my journey. From them, collectively, they shared the following words of encouragement: 

Breast cancer is not necessarily a death sentence! Especially since there have been many advancements in cancer treatment. 
  •      Take one day at a time!  

  •      Sleep when I don’t feel well!

  •      Ask the surgeons about my plan of care, the stage of my cancer, the chances of             re-occurrence, the type, etc!

  •      A diet of fruits, vegetables, chicken/fish and lots of water would be very helpful!

  •      You are stronger than you know!

  •       I can make it!
Next, I gradually began letting people know of my diagnosis. It wasn’t easy but I felt relief and a sense of freedom. I felt free from the worry and stress of keeping a secret. I had people tell other people and it made it easier on me. For example I told Deb Moore, my college friend, and she called, emailed and texted our other college friends to let them know. It made it much easier on me when they called to have the "I was diagnosed with breast cancer" discussion out of the way. I told my staff immediately and we cried together. But I waited until I lost my hair from the chemo treatments to tell my fellow agents. I don’t know why, I just did. The main thing is that I told as many people as possible. I wanted to assemble prayer warriors.

During my journey I’ve found that a lot of people keep silent about breast cancer. In the beginning I was one of them. I’m writing a five part series to give others a glimpse of the journey they call a battle. Many are not aware unless they or a loved one has experienced it. My friend Renee Scott suggested I take her on my journey, because it may help her with a loved one or a friend in the future. Today I began sharing my breast cancer journey with the diagnosis. I hope you’ll come with me when I share putting together the medical and support team, the surgery, the chemotherapy experience and the radiation treatments in the upcoming series of articles.

It is my desire to let people know that you don’t have to go through breast cancer silently or alone. It can be done boldly with: 
  • The comfort and support of others! 
  • A strong faith in God!
    I want my words to encourage, inspire and be a blessing to others. THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE IN THE JOURNEY!

    Yolanda Adams - Never Give Up

    Saturday, September 3, 2011

    Dedicated to My Beautiful Wife on Our Anniversary

    The words to this song are still true 29 years later!  Not many women could have gone through all we have over the years.  Most rewarding, some challenging, and some only God could bring us through.  But love endures!  Enjoy this song from our wedding as you remember how great God has been to us!  If I could sing I would sing it to you, but I will let Stevie sing for me!  Happy 29th Anniversary Babe!

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
     8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
     13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.  1 Corinthians 13:5-13

    Thursday, September 1, 2011

    When Fear of Failure Strikes You

    I've discovered that some of the most successful ventures, projects, inventions, ideas, were bathed in the sea of failure before they ever saw the light of success.  The fear of failure is one of our most difficult fears to overcome!

    • It's so embarrassing!
    • It's so humiliating!
    • I feel like such a failure!

    These are all excuses we use that prevent us from ever achieving our desired destiny! Failure is not defeat! If that was the case then Moses, Abraham, Joseph, David, Peter and Paul were among the biggest failures of all time!  In many cases failure is simply a prerequisite to success, if you continue to trust God and refuse to give up!

    McDonald's is the most successful fast food franchise of all times!  However, even Ray Croc and the men of the golden arches are familiar with the realities of failure!  Check out these product launches that never made it off the launching pad!

    • McLobster
    • McPizza
    • McSpaghetti
    • McHotDog
    • McDLT
    • McLean Deluxe
    • Big N' Tasty

    For every Big Mac there were a string of failures but that didn't stop Mr. Croc from following his dream!

    Unfortunately, we are quick to give up, or never try at all, because of the fear of failure.  It's no different in the Christian life!  God gives you a vision, a God-given dream, and we never take the first step, or quit when the threat of failure raises its ugly head.  All I can say to you is three simple words...NEVER GIVE UP!

    Rick Warren, best-selling author of The Purpose Driven Life, and Pastor of the incredible mega-church, Saddleback, was asked what was the secret to his success?  He replied with some life changing advice that I have taken to heart in my own life.  Rick went on to say that at Saddleback we come up with 10 new ideas.  Nine of them fail!  One idea succeeds and we write a best selling book about it!  You can't let the fear of failure stop you!

    So what have you tried that didn't succeed at first, second or even third try?  Success may be just around the corner if you refuse to give up!  God is not on our timetable!  But He's always right on time!  His time!

    As a senior in high school I wrote a saying that I live by which motivates me to continue on when failure comes knocking on my door.  "It's better to try and not succeed, than to be among those of faint of heart, who didn't have the faith and courage to try at all"  

    So don't let the fear of failure cause you to give up on your dream before time!  Who knows...you just may be the next Ray Croc with a new McDonald size creation!  Remember, God does not give us the spirit of fear, and He uses failure in the life of His children to strengthen them in life's journey towards success.  If you are a Christian, never forget this fact.  At the end of His book, the Holy Bible, His Word to us, in the end no matter how much failure you may experience...WE WIN!!! So Press On! Don't let the fear of failure defeat you in anything you do for the Lord!

    Stephen Hurd - My Destiny (excuse some of the sound)

    Monday, August 8, 2011

    Thank You Brooklyn Tabernacle

    One of my most memorable moments in life was when a pastor friend of mine took me on a trip from Ohio, to the Brooklyn Tabernacle!  I had no idea it would be a life-changing moment.  We went to experience their Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting!  All I can say is WOW and PRAISE THE LORD!

    Pastor Jim Cymbala led with his elders and deacons, and wife leading Praise & Worship!  But the the incredible thing was the people!  Since my friend knew the Assistant Pastor, we got in early for the 7pm Prayer Service.  However, it was simply amazing to see 2000 people lined up outside the beautiful, converted theater, at 5pm...FOR PRAYER!!..AMAZING!!!

    And pray we did!  All 3000 who wound up attending!  Simply, and unashamedly pouring out their hearts to God!  I was blessed to sit in the front, and also amazingly, sitting next to me was one of my heroes in the faith...Pastor Warren Wiersbe!!  He wasn't there to preach on Sunday, He was simply there because he knows the Brooklyn Tabernacle is a place of committed prayer!

    This year a couple in our church blessed me and our other Pastor to go to the Moody Pastor's Conference in Chicago.  Pastor Cymbala was a featured speaker. The end of his message turned into an incredible prayer session for the hundreds of pastors in attendance, which reminded me so much of my time in Brooklyn!

    At our church, we say Prayer is not Important...Prayer is Essential!  Brooklyn Tabernacle is a living testimony of that statement. 

    So I say THANK YOU to the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Pastor Cymbala, and their wonderful choir, the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.  Only God knows the heavenly rewards that awaits them, for all the lives they have touched with the Word, Songs of Praise, and most importantly PRAYER!

    May God compel us all to honor Him with Prayer as the essential ingredient of our lives and churches today!