Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Follow Well

Not only have many been called to lead well, we have all been called to follow well!  So here are a few thoughts on following:

1. Good followers are great finishers. They get the job done. Take projects across the finish line.

2. Good followers anticipate. They understand what needs to be done next before others, and are always looking for ways to make the process better.

3. Good followers criticize in private, and praise in public. Enough said on that.

4. Good followers are trustworthy. When given an assignment, a leader can be assured that it will get done. This is incredibly important.

5. Good followers are vision copycats. They take on, embody and live out the vision and mission of their leader, and of the organization.

6. Good followers make their leader better. They push their leader, and know how to lead up appropriately and intentionally.

7. Good followers lead themselves. They don’t need to be managed, and aren’t needy. They don’t need all the attention from the leader.

Following is not a dirty word in the Christian Life! Jesus said in Luke 9:23 "Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me."
Thank God for men and women who are willing to follow godly leaders and the Lord Jesus Christ! 

Even leaders MUST be good followers themselves. Remember whatever you do is not about YOU and not for YOU! Everything you do should be done for the glory of God! We must all learn how to follow well!

If you love Jesus...you will follow Him!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Habits for the New Year


7 Ways to build Spiritual Muscle in the New Year!

1 Cor. 15:31
I die every day--I mean that, brothers--just as surely as I glory over you in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Yield complete control of your life to Jesus Christ every day.


Luke 9:23
Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Every day, commit yourself to obeying God and His Word


Acts 17:11
…they…examined the Scriptures every day to see if these things were so…
Spend time reading God’s Word everyday


Matthew 6:11
…give us today our daily bread.
Devote time every day talking to God in prayer.


Hebrews 3:13
“…encourage one another daily…”.
Seek regular fellowship with other Christians.


Acts 5:42
“Day after day…they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ”.
Tell others about Jesus every day in words and actions.


Psalm 119:164
Praise God every day for who He is and what He has done.

February 2011 Bible Challenge Day - Book of Matthew (Read 1 chapter a day for 28 days)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Singing from the Book of Psalm for Today

Take time to list to these beautiful renditions from the book of Psalm!  Your day will not be the same after you do, so take a break to refresh yourself in the Word of God in a sweet sounding way.  You deserve a break today.  Let your soul take rest in the book of Psalm with some wonderful vocalists!



Monday, January 10, 2011

God's Timing is Always on Time by Chuck Swindoll

The timing is as critical as the involvement. You don't just force your way in.

Even if you've got the stuff that's needed . . .
Even if you hold the piece perfectly shaped to fit the other person's missing part of the puzzle . . . 
  • You can't push it into place. 
  • You must not try.
  • You must do the most difficult thing for compassion to do.
You must wait.

Even if there is rebellion?
Even if there's rebellion.
Even if sin is occurring? Yes, often even then.
Even if others are suffering and disillusioned and going through the misery of misunderstanding, heartache, and sleepless nights? Believe it or not, yes.

There are times (not always, but often) when the better part of wisdom restrains us from barging in and trying to make someone accept our help. The time isn't right, so we wait.

Even the Lord waits, as when Isaiah reported to the nation whom the Lord called "rebellious children" (Isa. 30:1). These people were rife with shame, reproach, unfaithful alliances, oppression, and a ruthless rejection of God's holy Word. Their unwillingness to repent added insult to injury.

But what was Jehovah's response? Hidden away in the first part of verse 18 is the incredible statement: "Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you."

Instead of storming into the dark alleys of Judah, screaming "Repent!" and shining bright lights to expose the filthy litter of their disobedience, the Lord tapped His foot, folded His arms . . . and waited. Not even the Lord pushed His way in. He waited until the time was right.

Our Lord would love to piece together the shattered fragments of your life.
But He is waiting . . . graciously waiting until the time is right.
  • Until you are tired of the life you are living . . . 
  • Until you see it for what it really is...
  • Until you are weary of coping . . . of taking charge of your own life . . . 
  • Until you realize the mess you are making of it...
  • Until you recognize your need for Him...
  • He's waiting . . . 

God's timing is always on time.

Be Encouraged!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Taking the Time to Say Thank You in the New Year

For the majority of my adult life I have been blessed by the incredible bible teaching of men like Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, Adrian Rogers, John MacArthur, David Jeremiah, Tony Evans and so many other gifted teachers of the Word of God.  Through the wonder of Moody Radio and other fine Christian broadcast networks, these men have imparted godly wisdom which has strengthened my walk with Christ daily.

Just as licking salt by a horse encourages thirst for the pleasures only water can bring, these men have been the salt in my life which has  has encouraged me to dive into the depths of the water of God's Word for myself, quenching my thirst for Christ through the scriptures.

But as we enter the new year of 2011, and we face another year of aging , I truly realize that most of these men are rounding third base in their lives, and will soon be off the scene.  A new generation of anointed teachers will be needed to carry the gospel baton to transform lives for the glory of God.

Adrian Rogers has gone to be with the Lord leaving an incredible legacy behind.  Most of these men are in their late 60's and several have experienced life's physical trials.  As I watch Charles Stanley on TV still powerfully preaching the Word, sitting down to conserve energy, it reminds me that others must step up and "stand in the gap,  proclaiming the Word without compromise to a new thirsty generation.

If you have been spiritually blessed by a godly teacher in your life you have a great reason to give thanks to God for the new year.  However, as the old year passes away, and the new year dawns, won't you take some time to thank the Lord for all the godly influences He has placed in your life.  So many times we take these blessing for granted until they have passed away, and then it is too late to every say thank you for being a blessing in my life.  Not that they are looking for it...but because they deserve a tangible token of your appreciation.

By doing that,  I believe you will enjoy the new experiences God places in your path this year in a deeper way.  Don't take the spiritual blessings in your life for granted.  Tears of sorrow will never replace golden memories of thanks and appreciation that the Lord may be asking you to give someone as you enter the new year anticipating new spiritual blessings in this new season!