Monday, May 7, 2012

15 Questions from God

1.  God is not going to ask you how much money you had... but He will ask you how did you use the money he gave you to manage for Him?

2.  God is not going to ask you how much education you had... but He will ask you how much you studied His Word to learn more about Him?

3.  God is not going to ask you how popular you were with the opposite sex... but He will ask you did you follow his prescription for a godly relationship?

4.  God will not ask you how many times did you fail... but He will ask you how many times did you give up?

5.  God will not ask you what church did you go to ... but He will ask you did maintain fellowship with His people who believed in the absolute authority of His Word?

6.  God is not going to ask you what kind of car did you drive... But He will ask you did you use it to help someone who didn't have any transportation?

7.  God is not going to ask you how well did you dress... But He will ask you were you thankful for the clothes you had when so many don't have any at all?

8.  God is not going to ask you did you travel the world... But He will ask you did you travel through His Word?

9.  God is not going to ask you were you a mother or father... But He will ask you did you provide for those children's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs?

10.  God is not going to ask you how long did you live... But He will ask you how well did you live for my glory, and how often did you share me with others who didn't know me?

11.  God is not going to ask you how big was your house... But He will ask are you prepared to live in the house I have prepared for you for eternity?

12.  God is not going to ask you how many friends you had on Facebook... but He will ask you how many friends do you have who know that I Am the Way, the Truth, and The Life, and no man comes to the Father but by me (Jesus)?
13.  God is not going to ask how many people followed you on Twitter... But He will ask you did you follow Him on earth?

14.  God is not going to ask did you receive fine gifts at Christmas... But He will ask you did you receive His Son and His free gift of eternal life?

15.  God will not ask you if you want to go back to earth when you die...  HE WON'T HAVE TOO!!!