Read Psalm 62:1-2
For most of us, waiting in line is pure agony. We arrive at a doctor's appointment on time. But we're forced to sit in the waiting room for what seems like forever. We go to the grocery store for just a few things, and get stuck in a long checkout line. And, then, there's the glacially-paced traffic jam at the bank drive-thru! It seems no one in our culture likes to wait.
When we take something to the Lord in prayer, we bring our human impatience with us. We may make a request and expect an immediate answer. If God doesn't spring into action right away, some people may think prayer doesn't work. They believe God didn't hear them, or He simply wasn't listening.
How tragic! Compare that attitude to King David's. He was only 16 years old when God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint him as king. Yet, 16 more years would pass before that promise was fulfilled. What did David do during that time? Did he moan and groan, shaking his finger at the Lord and demanding his throne now? Not at all. David understood God was trustworthy. He also realized his heavenly Father was not only the God of who and what, but also of when and how. David wanted the kingship only when God was ready for him to have it. So, he waited.
Are you waiting on something today? Will you wait on the Lord like you impatiently wait on a bank teller? Or will you, like King David, trust in God's timing and His provision?
by: Dr. Charles Stanley
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