Tuesday, June 11, 2013

7 Keys for Men to Have a Happy Father's Day

Men, we are ambassadors for Christ, our name is Christian, and we represent Jesus Christ!  I believe that if we fail to represent someone who has done so much for us, we need to either change our behavior or change our name!

Let me appeal to the men today as we approach Father's Day.  Instead of changing your name, let’s believe His Word, and go out and change the world!  Men do you believe we can do it?  Here are the daily steps you must take to walk closely with Christ as a real man of God:

1 Cor. 15:31
I die every day--I mean that, brothers--just as surely as I glory over you in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Yield complete control of your life to Jesus Christ every day.

Luke 9:23
Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Every day, commit yourself to obeying God and His Word

Acts 17:11
…they…examined the Scriptures every day to see if these things were so…
Spend time reading God’s Word everyday

Matthew 6:11
…give us today our daily bread.
Devote time every day talking to God in prayer.

Hebrews 3:13
“…encourage one another daily…”.
Seek regular fellowship with other Christians.

Acts 5:42
“Day after day…they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ”.
Tell others about Jesus every day in words and actions.

Psalm 119:164
Praise God every day for who He is and what He has done.
Start by praising Him with your family tomorrow and really have a Happy Father's Day!

Short Message to Men by Eric Mason!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

15 Things to Remember During Adversity

I believe the Lord's whisper during adversity, is louder than His shout during victory!  The key is... are you listening! The following is difficult medicine, but it will bring spiritual healing during your time of adversity! Listen to see if He is whispering these to you:

  1. Accept It! ...It happened to you, but believe in me, and trust in me! John 16:33
  2. Don't Try to Understand It! ...Don't lean on your understanding!  Proverbs 3:5-6
  3. Rejoice in It! ...You heard me right! "Consider it pure joy, when you face many trials" James1:2
  4. Use It! ...Let it glorify me!  Psalm 69:30
  5. Don't Explain It! ...It's between you and me!  2 Corinthians 1:4
  6. Grow From It! ...The Lord wants to make you stronger!  Romans 5:3
  7. Stand on my Promises Through It! ..."be strong and very courageous..." Joshua 1:9
  8. Don't Fear It! ...I'm in control!  Isaiah 46:10
  9. Rest in my Arms During It! ...I got you!  Matthew 11:28
  10. Look for the Blessing from It! ...Ultimately, it's all good! Romans 8:28
  11. Bless Others Despite It! ...It's tough, but be a blessing to others! Acts 20:19
  12. Embrace each Moment in It! ...Patiently endure and trust!  Romans 12:12
  13. Don't Lose Hope Because of It! ...Live vertically during it!  Psalm 71:14
  14. Pray in the Midst of It! ...Not for it, but in it!  Philippians 4:6
  15. Look Ahead to It! ...He's coming soon!  1Thessalonians 4:17
 Finally, always remember what Jesus went through for you...Think About It!  Romans 5:8

Take time to reflect on Jesus with Kirk Franklin..."You Are"