- Accept It! ...It happened to you, but believe in me, and trust in me! John 16:33
- Don't Try to Understand It! ...Don't lean on your understanding! Proverbs 3:5-6
- Rejoice in It! ...You heard me right! "Consider it pure joy, when you face many trials" James1:2
- Use It! ...Let it glorify me! Psalm 69:30
- Don't Explain It! ...It's between you and me! 2 Corinthians 1:4
- Grow From It! ...The Lord wants to make you stronger! Romans 5:3
- Stand on my Promises Through It! ..."be strong and very courageous..." Joshua 1:9
- Don't Fear It! ...I'm in control! Isaiah 46:10
- Rest in my Arms During It! ...I got you! Matthew 11:28
- Look for the Blessing from It! ...Ultimately, it's all good! Romans 8:28
- Bless Others Despite It! ...It's tough, but be a blessing to others! Acts 20:19
- Embrace each Moment in It! ...Patiently endure and trust! Romans 12:12
- Don't Lose Hope Because of It! ...Live vertically during it! Psalm 71:14
- Pray in the Midst of It! ...Not for it, but in it! Philippians 4:6
- Look Ahead to It! ...He's coming soon! 1Thessalonians 4:17
Take time to reflect on Jesus with Kirk Franklin..."You Are"
We all have or will face trials, but we can still emerge victorious! It's all in your perspective! What are you focusing on today? Choose to look up, not in, or about!